The James B. Hunt, Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy was founded at the close of Governor James B. Hunt, Jr.'s fourth term as governor of North Carolina to carry on his legacy as an advocate for quality education for all children.
The Hunt Institute's mission is to work with leaders to secure America's future through quality education. The Institute fulfills this mission by convening leaders in sessions led by experts in policy and practice. The result is the sharing and development of ideas and practices about educational leadership and the conversion of strategic ideas into action.
The Hunt Institute's primary constituency is governors. Recognizing, however, that governors alone can not effect change and progress, the Hunt Institute also works with lieutenant governors, legislators, mayors, business leaders, and PK-16 education leaders.
The board of the Hunt Institute consists of elected officials, business leaders, and educational experts. Former Governor James B. Hunt, Jr. serves as chair of the board which meets twice a year to review Hunt Institute objectives and identify emerging issues in education.
"The Hunt Institute provided me with the information, guidance and a sounding board on education topics that are important to Virginia, like senior year standards. The Institute serves as a unique resource in helping a governor flesh out and develop education policies within the context of political realities." Former Governor Mark Warner, Virginia.